Terms of Service

Effective: June 1, 2024.

Last updated: June 21, 2024.

Privacy Policy: https://joink.xyz/legal/privacy

1. Introduction

Thanks for being interested in using Joink. Before doing so, you should carefully read, understand and accept these Terms of Service and the corresponding Privacy Policy (accessible at https://joink.xyz/legal/privacy, collectively referred to as "Terms").

This is a legal agreement between leteaa Development - Inh. Isu Reitmann ("I", "My", "leteaa", "Joink") and you ("Your"). By using this Discord bot, its website, dashboard and other related products (collectively referred to as "Joink", "Bot" or "Service"), you are agreeing to the following Terms of Service. Please read them carefully.

In cases of doubt, the owner of the server on which Joink is is held liable and is referred to as "You" in these Terms.

To fully understand and being able to agree to these Terms, you will have to read, understand and accept Discord Inc. ("Discord")'s Terms of Service (accessible at https://discord.com/terms), first.

Joink reserves the right to update these Terms, which may be done for reasons that include, but are not limited to, complying with changes to the law or reflecting enhancements to Joink. If the changes affect your usage of Joink or your legal rights, a message is sent into the "#updates" channel (ID: 1245975778370388010) of Joink's Discord Support Server (ID: 1184192400579629116, accessible at https://discord.gg/qxPNcgtTqn). You will be notified no less than 14 days before the changes take effect. Unless I state otherwise, your continued use of Joink after the modifications are posted will constitute your acceptance of and agreement to those changes. You agree that you won't be notified on changes to these Terms when not being part of the support server or disabled notifications of this server. You agree that you may be excluded from the support server when not following the rules stated in the "#rules" channel (ID: 816205036736348160) and then won't be provided with any updates on any changes to these Terms. Either way, it is highly recommended to periodically check on these Terms to ensure that you still agree to them.

2. About this service

Joink is a bot for the chat and social platform "Discord" (accessible at https://discord.com), provided by Discord Inc. This service allows you to make use of Discord's public API (its documentation is accessible at https://discord.dev/, including its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy).

Joink is strictly following Discord's "Developer terms", does not want, is not trying to and is not knowingly abusing any of Discord's services. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE THIS SERVICE OR ITS PROVIDED FEATURES OTHER THAN INTENDED. YOU MAY NOT USE Joink TO SEND DIRECT MESSAGE ADVERTISEMENTS TO USERS, SEND MULTIPLE MESSAGES IN A SHORT TIME SPAN TO USERS OR IN CHANNELS OR ABUSE Joink IN ANY OTHER WAY THAT COULD BE AGAINST THIS OR DISCORD'S TERMS. If you find out that someone is abusing Joink's features, please let me know as soon as possible.

3. License

You may use Joink and its services for any purpose, including commercial use, if not stated otherwise in this Terms. You may not reverse-engineer or otherwise attempt to derive source code from Joink. When mentioning or using brand features of Joink outside of Discord, you need to somehow mention that Joink is accessible at https://joink.xyz.

4. Restrictions on your use of Joink's services

Joink allows you to send messages into Discord channels without being able to clearly determine the responsible person of this message, therefore the owner of a Discord server is liable for messages or actions taken by the bot.

You may not do the following:

5. Support and bugs

I am more than happy to answer you questions and fix bugs regarding Joink and its Custom Branding feature. If you need help setting up your custom branded bot, found a bug or just want to ask questions about CB, you can create a forum post in the #support channel of Joink's Discord server or send an email to admin@joink.xyz. Make sure to include your invoice ID, server ID or user ID when sending an email.

5.1. Outages

Please see section 6.

6. Outages, termination and general service

Joink and its services are completely free. I am actively developing new features and fix bugs to improve Joink and your user experience. Therefore I may add or remove features. While I try to avoid disruptions, I cannot guarantee that there will not be an outage or change to the service and your server's settings and set up messages ("Templates") may not be retrievable due to such outages or changes. I am not liable for any such outages or service changes, especially because Joink is a free service.

You are free to stop using Joink's services at any time for any reason by kicking Joink from your Discord server. Doing so will permanently delete your data you provided from Joink's servers but may not delete any log or backup data. More on that in the Privacy Policy.

leteaa reserves the right to stop you using Joink's service with or without notice for any reason.

7. Usage of your brand features

By using Joink's services, you grant leteaa all necessary rights to use your brand features (such as your [server's] name and logo) for any reasons, including but not limited to marketing purposes.

8. Third party services

Joink allows you to connect accounts of third parties to a server of yours to extend its functionality. It's your choice whether to use these products and you should review any terms and policies provided by the third party before doing so. The third party's terms and policies, and not Joink's, govern your use of these products or services. Joink is not responsible for products developed by third parties and is not affiliated with any service except.

8.1. Social Media Notifications

By using Joink's social media notifications service ("SMN"), you are agreeing that Joink reads information from your connected social media accounts (Twitch) and may publish them without further notification. You are using SMN at your own risk and I am not liable for any use of SMN as you are responsible for what Joink will post through Discord and what Joink will make available to the public. You are responsible for any violations against any social media platform's Terms when it comes to publish / distribute content from them.

9. Uploading images to Joink's Welcome Messages feature

You are able to upload images from your device when accessing Joink's Welcome Messages Dashboard. You agree to only upload images you own or otherwise have sufficient intellectual property rights.